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Cllr Francis Timmons – Independent Voice

Newcastle Recycling


Wednesday, November 18, 2015


MOTION: Councillor F. Timmons

Cathaoirleach’s Business

“That this area committee ask SDCC for a commitment that SDCC will provide a recycle bank in Newcastle and work with Newcastle tidy town in the area of sustainable waste as to improve the tidy town results next year’’



As reported to the September meeting of the Clondalkin Area Committee the Council’s Community Recycling Strategy is currently being reviewed by the Environment, Public Realm and Climate Change SPC.  A draft updated strategy document was presented to the SPC at the meeting of November 3rd with the intention of returning to finalise the document at the February 2016 meeting.  The most significant change proposed in the updated strategy is a change to the requirement to site bring banks a minimum of 50 metres from the nearest housing.  If this change is accepted it will open up the possibility of sites which currently are not considered to be suitable as they do not meet the siting criteria.  It is therefore proposed that a search for a bring bank site in Newcastle commence after the conclusion of the review of the strategy.

The Council’s Environmental Awareness Section in conjunction with the Community Dept will provide assistance and advice to the local Tidy Towns Group with regard to sustainable waste management as suggested.
