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Cllr Francis Timmons – Independent Voice

Playspace in Newcastle


Wednesday, December 09, 2015


MOTION: Councillor F. Timmons

Cathaoireleach’s Business

“That a report be given on any options for a Playspace in Newcastle given the lack of facilities also how this matter can and will be progressed into the future.”


The reply to Question 11 of the November 2015 Clondalkin ACM read as follows:

No suitable site for the play space in Newcastle has been identified and there was consultation on this with the Renewcastle Group.

The only feasible site is in the new park that will be constructed as part of the Local Area Plan and which will include a play space. The timeline for this construction is currently unclear as the site is subject to a Receivership process.

There was a suggestion to liaise with the Laurence O’Toole Trust on a possible alternative site and this suggestion will be followed up. At present the Council is engaged with a number of areas across the county on the progression of the Play Space programme and it will not be possible to undertake the consultation on Newcastle for a number of weeks.

It is intended to follow up on the Laurence O’Toole suggestion in the New Year.
