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Cllr Francis Timmons – Independent Voice

Round Tower schedule of work


Wednesday, September 16, 2015


QUESTION: Councillor F. Timmons

“That the Chief Executive issue a report and timescale/schedule of work for the Development of the Round Tower Heritage Centre?”



Drawings and documents for the tender for construction of the Round Tower Visitor Centre (including refurbishment of Millview Cottages / Tower Road) and Public Garden are under preparation by Architectural Services Department and a consultant design-team including Quantity Surveyor, Structural / Civil Engineer, Mechanical / Electrical and Fire Safety Engineer. Ground-condition surveys, water-penetration survey, bat-survey and archaeological surveys were carried out.   To mitigate further risk of discovery of artefacts the rere garden of the houses will be reduced in level by Council staff in October over the extent of the site affected by the final design.   The houses had opening-up works completed to evaluate building fabric condition to inform extent of tender.   Tenders will issue as programmed in November.

The second stage of the restaurant franchise for the centre will commence in early October.   South Dublin Libraries are currently at work collating content – including drainage, maps, photos and documents – to inform the exhibition for the completed project.
