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Cllr Francis Timmons – Independent Voice

traveller accommodation


Wednesday, November 18, 2015


MOTION: Councillor F. Timmons

“That this committee calls on a report and discussion on traveller accommodation in the Clondalkin area, the standards of same and the expected standards, the obvious overcrowding issues and how will traveller concerns be addressed in upcoming site audits?”



Traveller Accommodation is provided in a number of ways depending on demand, and preference. At present in the Clondalkin area, there are a number of permanent sites as well as some temporary sites, and obviously the standards vary between permanent sites and temporary ones.

Currently in the Clondalkin area we have the following permanent sites:

Kishogue Park – 10 Group Houses, 10 Residential Caravan Park Bays and a Community Centre.

Lynch’s Park – 10 Group Houses, 9 Residential Caravan Park Bays and a Community Centre

Oldcastle Drive -14 Group Houses

Lynch’s Lane Emergency – 3 Residential Caravan Park Bays.


Temporary Sites are provided at:

Oldcastle – 20 Residential Caravan Park Bays.

Lock Road Emergency – 6 Residential Caravan Park Bays


Where overcrowding exists, the Council endevaours to find alternative accomodation depending on availability , preferred choice of traveller specific or standard housing.   The Current Traveller Accomodation Programme 2014-2018 provided for the redevelopment of the following sites,

Ballyowen Lane

Belgard Road

St. Aidans

Oldcastle Park

Lynch’s Lane

Belgard Park.

The Local Traveller Accommodation Consultative Committee recently reviewed the Current Programme and decided to prioritise the redevelopment of Oldcastle and at St Aidans as joint priority. The Council are currently working with Clondalkin Traveller Development Group and representatives of the residents to discuss preferences for the type  and size of acconmodation required to be provided. Following on from this a design will be prepared for discussion with the residents and on agreement funding will then be sought.

Initial discussions have been held with the Fire Brigade in order to develop a planned programme not just of site inspections but also of Fire Safety Awareness and Fire Prevention which will be rolled out through the Council and the Traveller Development Groups. A series of training seminars will be developed for these staff and literature highlighting Fire Safety Awareness and Prevention will also be produced.

Following the above site specific audits will be carried out by the Fire Brigade in conjuction with Council staff and the respective Traveller Development Groups and a report prepared for the Council.

The Local Traveller Accommodation Consultative Committee recently reviewed the Current Programme and decided to prioritise the redevelopment of Oldcastle and at St Aidans as joint priority. The Council are currently working with Clondalkin Traveller Development Group and representatives of the residents to discuss preferences for the type  and size of acconmodation required to be provided. Following on from this a design will be prepared for discussion with the residents and on agreement funding will then be sought.

Initial discussions have been held with the Fire Brigade in order to develop a planned programme not just of site inspections but also of Fire Safety Awareness and Fire Prevention which will be rolled out through the Council and the Traveller Development Groups. A series of training seminars will be developed for these staff and literature highlighting Fire Safety Awareness and Prevention will also be produced.

Following the above site specific audits will be carried out by the Fire Brigade in conjuction with Council staff and the respective Traveller Development Groups and a report prepared for the Council.
