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Cllr Francis Timmons – Independent Voice

world MS Day on


Wednesday, March 18, 2015


QUESTION: Councillor F. Timmons

To ask the Chief Executive that world MS Day on May 27th 2015 be marked by this area and that the theme which is access be acknowledged. That we use this day as an opportunity to promote equality of access and highlight the inequalities and that a display be put in SDCC and a reception and a small launch be held at the civic offices in Clondalkin?


Given the number, range and frequency of such days it is not council practice to celebrate such events. However the council regularly supports registered charity events through the provision of our sports and recreational facilities.

Additional to this and of specific relevance here is Local Authority National Accessibility Week which takes place in December each year. This Week is an important annual opportunity for South Dublin County Council to focus on issues of accessibility. Councils, businesses and community groups across the country are encouraged to use the Week to highlight the accessibility of their facilities and services; and to encourage wider society to also be more inclusive of the varied access needs of all our citizens.

