Wednesday, September 21, 2016
QUESTION: Councillor F. Timmons
“To ask the Chief Executive that a list of boarded up houses is provided and how many will be brought into use by Compulsory purchase orders?
South Dublin County Council does not retain details / lists of all boarded up houses within the County.
Not all boarded up houses are monitored by the Council as they may be secured privately or owned by the Banks / Financial Institutions and not deleterious / derelict.
There are currently 14 (fourteen) derelict sites (Mixed) entered on the Council’s Derelict Sites Register, maintained by the Council pursuant to Section 8 (1) of the Derelict Sites Act 1990, as amended.
In accordance with Section 3 of the Derelict Sites Act, l990 as amended, a derelict site is defined as:
Any land which detracts, or is likely to detract, to a material degree from the amenity, character or appearance of land in the neighbourhood of the land in question because of –
(a) the existence on the land in question of structures which are in a ruinous, derelict or dangerous condition, or
(b) the neglected, unsightly or objectionable condition of the land or any structures on the land in question or,
(c) the presence, deposit or collection on the land in question of any litter, rubbish, debris or waste, except where the presence, deposit or collection of such litter, rubbish, debris or waste results from the exercise of a right conferred by statute or by common law.
Not all 14 sites referred to above are residential. However, Vesting Orders have been made pursuant to the Derelict Sites Act 1990 as amended in respect of 3 (three) of these residential sites. The registration of these are now with the Property Registration Authority, and they will come into the ownership of South Dublin County Council and taken into the social housing stock.
It is intended to progress with vesting procedure for two additional sites.
It is further expected to maintain interdepartmental collaboration to establish suitability of properties (as they become entered in the Derelict Sites Register) for acquisition from a housing stock point of view.