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Cllr Francis Timmons – Independent Voice

community grants


Wednesday, October 15, 2014


MOTION: Councillor F. Timmons

That this Committee requests detailed and accessible policy/guidelines on community grants , to include how to apply, what grants available, document accessible and understandable for local community groups.


South Dublin County Council has been operating a Community Grants Scheme since its inception and many thousand’s of community projects have been assisted to date through the various forms of grant aid available. As the County has developed, so also have the various community needs.

The emphasis in the Community Grants Scheme is on the development of broadly based community activities. At all times the Council endeavours to encourage the development of as broad a range of local community activities and services as possible. This ensures that the limited financial resources available are used to the maximum benefit of the community at large. It also promotes sustainability of community facilities through the emphasis on Centre based activities.

The Council supports this aim by providing a very comprehensive community development and support service through its team of Community Workers. Considerable assistance is also available to community groups / organisations from this source and from other Departments in SDCC.

The community grants booklets is available online or the hardcopy may be requested from comdevof@sdublincoco.ie or by telephone 4149270.

The community team are available and encourage engagement prior to groups / organisations submitting a grant application.

