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Cllr Francis Timmons – Independent Voice

Hap Scheme


Monday, June 20, 2016


QUESTION: Councillor F. Timmons

To ask the Chief Executive to make a report regarding the levels of rents paid by this Council to landlords under the HAP scheme?



Limerick City and County Council HAP Shared Services Hub administer the HAP payments to landlords on behalf of all Local Authorities, South Dublin included. The amounts (less the differential rent paid by the household) is recouped from the DECLG. The rents payable are dependent on the family size, outlined below is the various family sizes and the maximum rent payable on their behalf together with the total number of households already signed to the HAP Scheme in the South Dublin County Council area.


Family Size Total Households Max Payable by HAP
SINGLE +1 287 €                       1,140.00
COUPLE +2 154 €                         1,170.00
SINGLE +2 142 €                         1,170.00
COUPLE +1 111 €                         1,140.00
COUPLE 3+ 87 €                         1,200.00
SINGLE SHARING 52 €                             420.00
SINGLE 3+ 49 €                         1,200.00
SINGLE 27 €                             624.00
COUPLE 26 €                             900.00
COUPLE SHARED 1 €                             480.00
total 936


For the month of May 2016 the landlords for South Dublin County Council were paid €854,000

The differential rent charged to the hap tenants was €126,000

The Difference of €728,000 has been recouped from the DECLG


The payments for 2016 year to date to landlords for South Dublin County Council was €3,530,000

The differential rent charged to the hap tenants was €515,000

The difference of €3,015,000 has been recouped from the DECLG
