Monday, February 08, 2016
QUESTION: Councillor F. Timmons
What plan of action is in place to House the thousands on our Housing list in SDCC? also to ask for a report on how long people are on the list by area ?
The accommodation needs of persons on South Dublin County Council’s Housing Waiting List will continue to be met by various models of social housing provision, including the Council’s Housing Construction Programme, Part V111, Part V of the Urban Regeneration and Housing Act 2015, the Rental Accommodation Scheme (RAS), The Social Housing Leasing Initiative (SHLI), the Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) and the Council’s Accelerated House Purchase Programme.
In relation to Part V111, the report to the Council Meeting in March 2015, set out proposals for Social Housing units for the period 2015 to 2017 in line with the Housing strategy as set out in the Governments “Social Housing Strategy 2020 – Support, Supply and Reform” published late November 2014. The Programme envisages both new-build housing and a flexible range of supports to the private rental sector and the social housing sector. Nationally the Programme aspires to the construction of 35,000 new houses to address social housing need. The Councils target for 2015 – 2017 is 1,445 including RAS and Leasing of which 350 units will be through capital projects including direct build, CAS projects, acquisitions and Part V.
New Build projects which have commenced on site in 2015 are:
Scheme Address Estimated Delivery Date
Suncroft Tallaght 10 dwellings 2nd Quarter 2016
St. Finians, Lucan 2 dwellings 2nd Quarter 2016
Belgard Road Tallaght (traveller accommodation) 3 dwellings 1st Quarter 2016
Total 15
There are three projects which are Part 8 approved which are planned for tender soon. The Office of Government Procurement is establishing a new framework for consultants which South Dublin Co. Co. have applied to use. This framework is expected to be available in January 2016 and it is intended to go to tender with the following three projects once the framework is declared active:
St. Marks Green, Clondalkin 11
Mac Uilliam, Tallaght 28
Mayfield, Clondalkin 18
Total no. of Units 57
The rollout of the Part 8 social housing developments are reported as follows:
Scheme Name (Location Address) Approved by Council Current Stage
Dromcarra, Tallaght 14 Yes, June 2015 Full Cost plan submitted to DECLG – awaiting Pre-Tender Approval
Letts Field, Clondalkin 37 Yes, September 2015 Full Cost plan submitted to DECLG – awaiting Pre-Tender Approval
Owendoher, Ballyboden 40 Yes, October 2015 Full Cost plan submitted to DECLG – awaiting Pre-Tender Approval
Killinarden, Tallaght 27 Yes, November 2015 Full Cost plan submitted to DECLG – awaiting Pre-Tender Approval
We are unable to confirm completion dates on the above Part 8 projects. As these projects are included in our Housing Strategy 2015-2017 programme the delivery of these housing units will come on stream over the next two to three years.
The Part 8 programme will continue to progress on an incremental basis throughout the county. As part of the consultation process the Council are open to engage with representative resident groups within the area of the proposed development. As presented to Council in March 2015 the further sites identified for Part 8 will display for consultation over the coming months as follows:
Balgaddy ‘F’ Lucan 50
St. Marks Avenue Clondalkin 39
Stocking Lane, Rathfarnham 40
Fernwood, Tallaght 22
Fonthill Road Link Road, Neilstown 50
The numbers of homes above are indicative and may vary slightly as schemes are designed and consulted in detail.
The Council is also progressing a Social Housing Acquisition Programme with 24 units purchased in 2015 and a further 26 units currently being processed.
There are currently 8,944 applications on the Council’s housing waiting list and the average time on list is 5+ years for both housing areas – North of the Naas Road and South of the Naas Road.