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Cllr Francis Timmons – Independent Voice

Acceptable Usage Policy

What is Social Media?

Social Media is the use of online tools for communications. One of the best examples and most widely used examples would be Facebook. Other examples would be X, linkedin and boards.ie

Who can make postings on FrancisTimmons.com?

Any user is welcome to post comments on FrancisTimmons.com provided they meet the acceptable useage criteria listed below.

All Comments are moderated by Francis Timmons or a delegated administrator.  Users must be careful not to disclose any information on postings which may be confidential. Postings which are stating an opinion rather than fact must include a disclaimer. Please be aware that you are legally responsible for all postings made so please ensure that postings do not infringe on the guidelines set out below. An example of a typical disclaimer can be seen below:


The views expressed in this posting are my own and are not necessarily the views of FrancisTimmons.com

Any postings which are:

  • pornographic
  • defamatory
  • offensive
  • racist
  • sexist
  • discriminatory or
  • obscene

will not be published and FrancisTimmons.com reserves the right to remove any postings which contravene the criteria above.

FrancisTimmons.com also reserves the right to remove any comments and in some cases also reserves the right to ban users in addition to removing comments.


Please be aware that you must comply with all copyright, privacy and other laws. If you user material from another source please be sure to disclose this and credit the source from which you obtained the information.
