Monday, January 11, 2016
MOTION: Councillor F. Timmons
That SDCC strongly recommends the following action be taken by Minister Reilly
I. We strongly recommends that the Government and Minister Reilly fully accept and implement all the 13 formal recommendations of the Report from the Joint Committee on Health and Children for the new Adoption (Information and Tracing) Bill, particularly in ensuring those people who were illegally adopted receive the extra assistance they need to be truly equal with the rest of the survivor community.
II. We strongly recommends that the Terms of Reference of the current Commission of Inquiry into Mother and Baby homes and related matters, are immediately expanded to fully include all people affected by the forced separation of single mothers and their children since the foundation of the State.
III. We strongly recommends an immediate acknowledgement, apology and redress to an aging community of survivors while there is still time. It is against the grain of natural justice that many survivors will pass away before the current Inquiry has issues it’s final Report. Justice delayed is Justice Denied.
We agree that Minister Reilly be written to and asked to consider the above.
If the Motion is passed a letter will issue to appropriate Minister, and when a reply is received it will be issued to the Members.