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Cllr Francis Timmons – Independent Voice

Resettlement grants


Monday, July 13, 2015


QUESTION: Councillor F. Timmons

To ask the Chief Executive to issue a report on what Housing is available and how many houses are available to people who may wish to re locate outside of Dublin? Has there been any uptake on this option? Are there any Resettlement grants available and if yes what has been the uptake of same?



If South Dublin housing applicants wish to be considered for Social Housing in another Local Authority Area outside Dublin, they make an application whereby they will be assessed in accordance with Social Housing Assessment Regulations 2011 and the Local Authority’s Allocation Scheme.  If approved, they would be eligible for social housing options similar to those offered by Dublin Authorities (with exception of HAP which is not yet operational in all Local Authorities) and are removed from South Dublin County Council’s Housing List.

If the tenant wishes to move outside South Dublin County Council, they are advised of the Rural Resettlement Scheme.  The tenant must make contact with Rural Resettlement Ireland directly.  Rural Resettlement Ireland would make contact with our Allocations Section and similar to any Transfer Applicant the tenant must have a clear tenancy record prior to any transfer being approved.  There is also an administration payment of €3000 to Rural Resettlement Ireland with respect to the any successful relocation of a South Dublin Tenant under this scheme.
