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Cllr Francis Timmons – Independent Voice

Tower at Old Tower Crescent


Wednesday, November 18, 2015


MOTION: Councillor F. Timmons

Cathaoirleach’s Business

“That this committee agrees that given the Historical value of the Tower at Old Tower Crescent that a Sign be erected and the History of the Tower be displayed as outlined below

Description: Situated on flat ground in the middle of a housing estate. The W corner turret is all that survives of this towerhouse. It rises to two storeys. Built of roughly coursed masonry with dressed quoins. There is a lintelled entrance on E side at ground level and first floor (int. dims. L 3.4m; Wth 3m). The S side of the tower is lit by plain square opes. According to the Exchequer Inquisitions for County Dublin, it was agreed in 1601 that Alderman Patrick Browne and his wife should build a castle on the lands of Irishtown (Ball 1906, 87). This building is marked on the Down Survey (1655-6) map. The Civil Survey 1654-55 describes this building as a habitable house (Simington 1945, 292). A drawing by Beranger dated 1772 shows a twin gabled towerhouse (Harbison 1998, 30-31). Compiled by: Geraldine Stout.”


The provision of this research is appreciated and will be forwarded to our Local Studies Unit in Libraries for further review in developing and presenting the heritage of Clondalkin Village, in preparation for of the provision of a Village heritage trail, with the Round Tower Centre as the locus for same.

The proposed schedule for the implementation of County Village Signage is before the Economic Enterprise and Tourism SPC of November 11th.

As has been the practice in the case of the pilot in Tallaght, the initial phase not only incorporates wayfinding for walking and cycling access but also presents the existing Village Heritage Walks designed by our Libraries. (Self-guided audio Village heritage walks available at www.southdublinhistory.ie)

In the case of Tallaght project, following phase 1, during phase 2 further research and interpretation is ongoing by our expanded Local Studies Unit with a view to presenting some further information on local heritage in the environs of the Village.

The implementation of such signage at other Village locations will therefore be addressed through this structured, phased approach, with expansion of interpretative information on heritage features in phase 2, after wayfinding signage is installed in phase 1.

Any further such local research that elected members receive can be provided to Sile Coleman in Local Studies or emailed to localstudies@sdublincoco.ie as the Council are eager to continuously expand our knowledge and materials regarding our County’s past, both as  an educational and research benefit but also the enrich future heritage trails in the County.

In this regard members should be aware of the Clondalkin Heritage Event the Council is hosting on Saturday November 21st at Clondalkin Civic Offices, invitations for which have issued to members.
