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Cllr Francis Timmons – Independent Voice

vacant house


Wednesday, April 20, 2016


QUESTION: Councillor F. Timmons

“To ask the Chief Executive for the Council to provide an update on the vacant house at St Patricks Park in Clondalkin ? This house has been lying vacant since being built, how much did it cost to build and how much has the property cost SDCC in total? and how can this be progressed to provide much needed housing?”



The circumstances surrounding this property are quite unique in that the Council had encountered a number if difficulties in the sale or letting of the above dwelling due to disputed strip of land which forms part of the side garden to the property.

A number of attempts were made to acquire the strip of land by agreement from the registered owners to no avail and the Council was left with no option but to CPO the lands in March 2013.  Once the CPO was confirmed by An Bord Pleanala in August 2015 negotiations were on-going with the land owners Agent to agreeing compensation. Settlement with the land owners was only reached in December 2015 and the Council acquired full title to the land in March 2016.

The final cost of the contract for the construction was in the sum of €563,759.  Other miscellaneous expenditure including fees relating to the CPO referred to above, has brought the total expenditure to €629,000.  It was always envisaged that once full title has been obtained these costs would be substantially recouped from the disposal of the dwelling.

However, prior to placing the property on the market discussions are being held with the Housing Department on potential alternative uses.


